quinta-feira, 10 de março de 2011

New version of "A Tribute of Mercy"


01 - Introduction to Evangelene  - SUMMUM BONUM
02 - At War With War - SAINT SPIRIT
03 - Gut Wrench - ULTIMATUM
04 - Eternal Lamentation - ETERNAL MYSTERY
05 - Liberal Mediocraty - THE RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY
06 - Satan´s Doom - TRIBAL RITES
07 - Razorback - DIVINE STORM / SARTRAS
08 - Human Condition - BRUTAL WAR
09 - Scrolls of the Meggiloth - BEHEADED DEMONS
10 - Grind Planeterium - KRIG
11 - Flight to Victory - CLAUDIO PASSAMANI
12 - Introduction to EvAngelene - SUMMUN BONUM
14 - Your last breath - Estater
To buy this tribute, make a donation in Pay Pal marcos_verissimo_2004@yahoo.com.br ,and send a confirmation e-mail to marllongospelrock@gmail.com .

Cd version by Extreme Records released in April

God Rulz!
terça-feira, 1 de março de 2011

New Mortification's site and other News


Today began airing the new site of Mortification.The address is still http://www.roweproductions.com/ , but now has a new (and grandiose) design.There you will find news of Mortification, Wonrowe Vision and Ilfiltration Squad (still not sure what it is, hehe).
And two big news are on site :
1 - Andrew Esnouf, drummer of Wonrowe Vision is also the new drummer Moritifcation
2 - Steve posted a link that redirects to our dear MortifiNation! Thanx Steve!

Some people have approached me that link Mortification Tribute has a problem.This Saturday I'll solve it


Novo site do Mortification e outras noticias


Hoje entrou no ar o novo site do Mortification.O endereço ainda é http://www.roweproductions.com/ ,mas agora conta com um novo(e grandioso ) design.
Lá você encontrará noticias do Mortification,Wonrowe Vision e do Ilfiltration Squad(que ainda não sei direito o que é,hehe)
E 2 grandes novidades estreiam o site :

1 - Andrew Esnouf,batera do Wonrowe Vision também é o novo baterista do Moritifcation
2 - Steve colocou um link que redireciona para o nosos querido MortifiNation !  Thanx Steve!!!

Ah,algumas pessoas me contactaram que o link do Mortification Tribute está com problema.Neste sábado estará na net o novo link.

God Rulz!